24 January 2006

19 January 2006

Baen Free Library

Occasionally a reason for optimism turns up.

Read more at www.baen.com/library/

Dissertation Could Be Security Threat (washingtonpost.com)

Telecom infrastructural chokepoints, c '03. Security through obscurity?

Read more at www.washingtonpost.com/...

06 January 2006

t r u t h o u t - Cost of Iraq War Could Top $2 Trillion

Nobel Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz and Harvard budget expert Linda Bilmes plan to present this week a paper estimating the cost of the Iraq War at between $1-2 trillion. This is far higher than earlier estimates of $100-200 billion.
The study expands on traditional budgetary estimates by including costs such as lifetime disability and health care for the over16,000 injured, one fifth of whom have serious brain or spinal injuries. It then goes on to analyze the costs to the economy, including the economic value of lives lost and the impact of factors such as higher oil prices that can be partly attributed to the conflict in Iraq. The paper also calculates the impact on the economy if a proportion of the money spent on the Iraq war were spent in other ways, including on investments in the United States.
Read more at www.truthout.org/docs_2...